Our 2024 Donors

Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

See donors from previous years here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Ron and Penny Blake
Lester Boeh
Oliver Coolidge
Kyle Harmon
Mohr Family Foundation
Georgene Patten
Herb Patten
Frank And Frances Porter Family Fund
Stan Seal
Bob & Susan Strehlow
Michael Walters
Anne Wojcicki Foundation Grant
John Zasio

Class Bravo ($500+)

Frank Farrell
John Gaboury
Gisele Lennox
Alan Rimer
Paul Thaden
Bob Van Zant
Stanislav Vitko
Randy Wakefield

Class Charlie ($250+)

Hashem Cassim
Chris Rimer
DeEtte Starr

Kai Chen
Adam Ely
Alessandro Franco
Kevin Gray
Vinesh Gudla
James Hung
Alexander Icasiano
Dave Kramer
Sydney Rapp
Sanjay Shetty
Lyn Sinko
Ali Taghavi

Class Delta ($100+)

Acknowledgment of In-Kind Gifts

David Agranovich
Chris Allexandre
Sid Basu
Travis Bender
Dave Brenner
Oliver Coolidge
Michael Dutton
Dan Dyer
Brian Eliot
Nello Franco
Jeremy Hoffmann
Andres Kohn
Garrett Mifflin
Herb Patten
Rabbit Aviation Services
Scott Rohlfing
San Carlos Airport
San Carlos Flight Center
SCFC Media Team
Andre Sequin
Khizar Shabbir
James Sloan
Daniel Stellini
Nick Williams
Zanette Aviation Insurance