Our 2021 Donors

Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

See donors from previous years here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Les Boeh
Oliver Coolidge
Alyce Gershenson
Kyle Harmon
Georgene Patten
Herb & Kathleen Patten
The Ramsey Family Fund
Susan & Bob Strehlow
Zanette Aviation
John Zasio

Class Bravo ($500+)

Adam Clark
Andres Kohn
Matt Moropolous

Class Charlie ($250+)

Brian Eliot
Janie Hayden
Bob Leuten
Alan Rimer
Angie Schillace

Irene Duffy
Michael Leymaster
Colin McWilliams
Alan Marcum
Nick Bell
Alan Cima
Lyn Sinko

Patti Andrews
Sid Basu
Russell Bowerman
Oliver Coolidge
Reed Cote
Dan Dyer
Brian Eliot
Dave Forter
Alessandro Franco
Gleim Aviation
Kyle Harmon
Stephen Heesacker
Adam Kelly
Sky Kitchen
Andres Kohn
Alicia Paterson
Herb Patten

Class Delta ($100+)

Acknowledgment of In-Kind Gifts

Pilot Light
Rabbit Aviation
Sydney Rapp
San Carlos Airport Air Traffic Control Tower
San Carlos Flight Center
San Mateo County Airport Office
Daniel Sanchez Ruiz
Andre Sequin
Signature Flight Support
Sky Lounge
Kyle Smathers
Daniel Stellini
Susan Strehlow
Voila Vintage Artwork
Nick Williams
Zanette Aviation
Lukasz Zoromski