Our 2020 Donors

Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

See donors from previous years here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Blair & Barbara Beebe
Travis Bender
Penelope Blake
Les Boeh
Cary Butcher
Mark Centoni
Oliver Coolidge
Nello and Karen Franco
Alyce Gershenson and Mike Lloyd
Kyle Harmon
Payam Mirrashidi
Georgene Patten

Herb Patten
Chris Piety
The Ramsey Family Fund
Christopher Rimer
Lee Ritchey
Susan and Robert Strehlow
Tim & Heather Stretch
John Zasio
Audrey Allexandre
Bay Area Flyers LLC
Anonymous (1)

Class Bravo ($500+)

David Kramer
Alicia Paterson
Paul Rekieta
Benjamin Thomas
Alexander Tronchin-James
Zanette Aviation Insurance Services Inc.
Brian Branscomb
Alessandro Franco
Stephen and Judy Gray

Class Charlie ($250+)

Novena Kwok
Bob Leuten
Ryan Moore
Macario Namie
Christopher Reynoldson
Stan Seal
Andy Segal
Andre Sequin
Calvin Stewart
Amanda Chan
Stuart Davies
Jeff Grupe

Cameron Bowe
Les Filler
Nico Ghilardi
Michelle Karpishin
Andres Kohn
Danny McAninch
Ryan Rishi
Angela Schillace
Jim & Lyn Sinko
Ben Son
Alexandra Strehlow
Paul Tader
Colton Wellnitz

Josh Andaya
Patti Andrews
Sid Basu
Russell Bowerman
San Carlos Flight Center
Matt Churchill
Sandra Clifford
Oliver Coolidge
Reed Cote
Michael Dutton
Dan Dyer
Brian Eliot
Dave Forter

Class Delta ($100+)

Anonymous (1)
Siddharth Basu
Jerry Bernacchi

Acknowledgment of In-Kind Gifts

Alessandro Franco
Alyce Gershenson
Keith Goldberg
Kyle Harmon
Stephen Heesacker
Sammy Ma
Herb Patten
Rabbit Aviation
Daniel Sanchez Ruiz
Kyle Smathers
SQL Airport & Tower
Susan Strehlow
Zanette Aviation