Our 2019 Donors

Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

See donors from previous years here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Brian Branscomb
Kristina Bullock
Cary Butcher
Tony & Ellen Chan
Sailesh Chittipeddi
Dan Dyer
Nello Franco
Alyce Gershenson & Mike Lloyd
Half Moon Bay Pilot’s Association

Kyle Harmon
Georgene Patten
Herb Patten
Lee Ritchey
David Shepard
Bob & Susan Strehlow
John Zasio
Blair & Barbara Beebe
Ron & Penny Blake
Lester Boeh

Class Bravo ($500+)

Nicole Cote
Steve Garrity
Tim Karpishin
Stephen Limoges
Paul Rekieta
Gregory Waters

Kirby Wright & Company
Naveen Yanduru
Sandra Yu
Zanette Aviation
Anonymous (1)
George Belden
Mark Centoni

Class Charlie ($250+)

Jeff Grupe
John Keenan
David Kramer
Raymond Lee
Bob Leuten
William Lucyshyn
Stan Seal
Christopher St Peter

Jerry Bernacchi
Jenny Brambila
Michael Bray
Bill Burkard
Amanda Chan
Angelina Chan
Diana & Steve Chan
Alessandro Franco
Kelly Gerow
Donja Graham
Judy Gray
Patti Haring
Adrian Hsieh
Jeff Karson
Shirley Keller
Jim Lafayete
Barbara Lea
Fred & Karen Marshall
Mike McNab

Rosina Sun
Denise Tange
Christopher Tocher
Michael & Debbie Van Voorhees
Anonymous (4)
Tim Brand
Nathan Flores

Class Delta ($100+)

Lee Melott
Samira Naraghi
Jim & Lyn Sinko
Allan Smirni
Richard Stockton
Friends of Gary White at Hiller Aviation Museum
Peter Woods
Gregory Wrenn & Robert Pyburn
Kevan Yalowitz
Jennifer Yu
Louise Yu
Benjamin Zeller
Anonymous (7)
Anthony Bellanti
Felicia Bellanti

Acknowledgment of In-Kind Gifts