Our 2016 Donors

Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

See donors from previous years here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Lester Boeh
Brian Branscomb
Oliver Coolidge
Lynne & Adam Craig
Dan Dyer
Kyle Harmon
Gisele Lennox & Tim Karpishin
Katy & Dave Korsmeyer
Alyce Gershenson & Michael Lloyd

Ben Mitchell
Domenic Narducci
Georgene Patten
Herb Patten
Paul Rekieta
Bob Van Zant
John Zasio
Ron & Felicia Bellanti
Ron & Penny Blake

Class Bravo ($500+)

Michael Bender
Chris Bennett
Emily Charnes
Sorin Cioban
Dan DeMeo
Kay & Les Filler
Jeff Grupe
Terri & Zeke Mead

Lee Ritchey
Kirk Syme
Michael & Debbie Van Voorhees
Eric Wagar
Gregory Wrenn
Zanette Aviation
Anonymous (1)
George Belden

Class Charlie ($250+)

Tim Brand
Bill Burkard
Mark Centoni
Carl Chatfield
Martin Choy
Eric Dasmalchi
Brian Eliot
Nariman Farsaie
Jim Granucci
Kevin Gray
Justin Harrison
Rebecca Joseph
Vikas Kapur
Adam Kelly
Julie Korsmeyer
Dave Kramer
Anita Kriek
Jim Lafayette
Anthony LaRocca
Jeff Lau
Bob Leuten
Michael Mackin
Kevin McDonnell

Katie McGonegal
Brendon McLoskey
Miguel Mundo
Sanjay Oza
Jose Panakkel
Kevin Petrie
Kelton Porter
Reid Raisanen
Jeff Reeder
Greg Reynolds
Kat Roman
Stan Seal
Ellen Shea
Jim & Lyn Sinko
Joel Slater
Allan Smirni
Thomas Summerson
Phyllis Wagar
Randall Walliser
Patti Andrews
Anonymous (2)

Class Delta ($100+)

Acknowledgment of In-Kind Gifts