Our 2015 Donors

Upwind Foundation acknowledges the generous contributions of the San Francisco Bay Area aviation community and others who have given to the program. We heartily thank them.

See donors from previous years here.

Class Alpha ($1000+)

Tim Brand
Dan Dyer
San Carlos Flight Center
Katy & Dave Korsmeyer
Tim Karpishin & Gisele Lennox
Alyce Gershenson & Mike Lloyd
Herb Patten
Georgene Patten
John Zasio
Anonymous (1)

Class Bravo ($500+)

Michael Ballbach
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bennett
Lily & Katherine Chang
Emily Charnes
Dan DeMeo
Mark Farnham – Mark Point Consulting
Jason & Terry Fiala
Kay and Les Filler
Sarah and Kyle Harmon
Terri Mead
Paul Rekieta
Lee Ritchey
San Carlos Aviation Supply, LLC
Michael Van Voorhees
Eric Wagar
Zanette Aviation Insurance
Anonymous (2)

Class Charlie ($250+)

Daniel Bedford
George Belden
Bennett Bibel
Brian Eliot
Dorothy Harding
Mona Knock
James & Esther Lafayette
Bob Leuten
Jose Panakkel
Stan Seal
Allan Smirni
Tom Summerson
Kirk Syme
Val Westen
Anonymous (2)

Patti Andrews
Dan Dyer
Brian Eliot
Nariman Farsaie
Paul Harris
Kevin Hyberger
Rebecca Joseph
Adam Kelly
Pamela McCarthy
Miguel Mundo
Reid Raisanen
Kyle Harmon
John Zasio

Class Delta ($100+)

Acknowledgment of In-Kind Gifts